5-MeO-α-MT (5-Methoxy-α-methyltryptamin)

hat jemand mit diesser substanz erfahrungen?
oder weis was drüber?
hab folgendes im inet dazu gefunden:

5-MeO-α-MT (Abkürzung für 5-Methoxy-α-methyltryptamin; auch α,O-DMS) ist eine nur synthetisch herstellbare halluzinogene Droge aus der Stoffklasse der Tryptamine (Indolderivate).

Die Wirkung ist halluzinogen und stimulierend und wird vor allem auf emotionaler Ebene wahrgenommen.

Als Dosis werden 2,4 – 4,5mg angegeben. Die Wirkung hält 12 bis 18 Stunden an.

ein sehr langwirckammes tryptamin wer doch auch ma was neues mit sehr niedriger dossirung!

Re: 5-MeO-α-MT (5-Methoxy-α-methyltryptamin)

soll ja körperlich ziemlich anstrengend sein..

“5-meo-amt sucks compared to most other tryptamines. I havent tried AMT but surely that is much better. 5-meo-amt just made me so nauseous and vomit a few good times. Other rcs have made me puke a bit but after that I am fine. with 5-meo-amt you just feel like you are going to puke a good duration of the trip. other than that the trip is decent but the nausea is such a big factor. if there would have been a c- thats what I would have rated it. I probably will not do it again but there is no telling. maybe the smoking route is better. I would recommend this chemical to a true psychonaut who wants to experience every tryptamine but I would not recommend this drug to any normal friend looking to trip. there are much better chemicals out there and this one just isnt too magical. very potent just doesnt have the magic of some other tryptamine. a bit like acid but with a horrible body load. definitely a c minus border line D.”
„Hupen Sie, wenn Sie bewaffnet sind!“ (R.A.W)

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