DPT - Great Music, Strange Cat

Mental State: A bit stressed with my job, but happy. A couple of things at my mind i worry about the future, but nothing dramatically, altogether quite a good set.

Setting: Alone at my flat, a bit chaotic, like normal, decorated with candles, lights and opium inscence sticks.

Other drugs: Quite large amount of coffee over the day

22:14 Insufflated about 70-100mg. A Line with the length of a credit-card and about 2-3mm thick.

22:21 Ok, this nosehole is tight for the rest of the evening.

22:22 Little sweat.

22:33 Still nothing noteworthy, appearently too litte amount of dpt for my weight. Very litte coming-up feeling, from further Tryptamine experiences i would say definitely to little of dpt for my weight (130kg) and for my expectations for an intense trip.

22:36 Little nausea.

22:42 Insufflates about 50-70mg. more. Unluckily it seems that i'm a bit hardheaded with Tryptamines, so i see no problems with doing this. But please use my comments to dosages with the fact in mind that i'm a quite large person.

22:51 Still no noteworthy effects. Little movement on the screen. There is definitely some thing coming, +1 reached.

22:55 Little tremor in legs, feels like them moving rythmic to the music, noticable bodyload, no CEVs. Little visual distorsions, barely noticable. Despite of the missing visuals (thats normal for me trippin) my overall feeling is that its going surprisingly fast forward towards an +2 state.

23:01 Noticable, not ignorable effects. Suddenly i feel urged to change music from fast electro to wicked psychedelic rock. The platou should have been reached, but its definitely still rising.

23:15 This was way too few as initial dose. Snorting more after 20 minutes seemes waste of material. Next time i will start with more. Note: now, afterwards i would say next time i will try 150-170mg initial dose. and damn, i need a precision scale. if anyone knows where to get a scale with 1mg accuracy for cheap, drop me a line ;-)

23:34 A first interesting Plateou is reached. Last 15 minutes seemes much longer. Feeling for time is gone. Loking at my typing fingers, it looks like that there are much more than ten fingers involved. Funny. Vision is kinda strange. Everything looks normay, but with a certain blue blur is mixed in the normal colors. Its getting harder to type as my thoughts could'nt focus to such rational things like documenting the experience. My feelings are directly bound to the music now.

23:37 Nausea comes back. Seemes to envolve with movement.

23:51 My cat looks a bit strange in behaviour. I'm not sure wether this is real or dpt induced impressions. Ok, i know this kind of "oh my god, she took some" paranoia. Ignoring this will help. Normally she is sleeping just normal if i look back some minutes later. I'm telling myself that i should not panic after her but try to relax. quiete uncomfortable now. will try to read a bit further in the phikal. (note: schnuffel(my cat) looks normal now.)

23:55 Still nauseaus a bit. Water doesn't help, the taste of the dpt is ugly. Wow. Felt the bass on the table, like a spring expanding and jumping there. But the music is not loud enough for this.

00:20 Perception of time is clearly stretched. I feel movement around me. Its a bit hard to type and to focus. The genius sounds of Ott, the guy who remixed the tracks for the "hallicinogen - in dub" album, drive me away. Or better to say, take me away with them. Its phantastic. Its like the music is directly attached to my thougthts and feeling. My mind feels like its took away in waves of emotions, controlled by the music.

01:08 There is definitely something weird with the behaviour of my cat. I'm 100% sure that she got nothing of the drug. But i have a crude theory. Everyone knows that cats are very sensible for emotions of their owners. Could it be that these highly empathic beeings are getting kind of a contact high? I noticed this kind of condition earlier before on her. There is a second, rather ugly theory. I can guarantee that i don't and never would even intentionally or accidentially, give my cat any drug. Ok. There is one exception, and this is when i'm smoking an joint, and she is in the room, she gets a rather minimal amount of smoke which is floating around. Its influencing her, ending in a mega relaxed power-chilling cat. She could leave the room if the smell appeares, but she regularely joines me. So i think she likes it. She is not forced, could leave, but intentionally appeares when i'm starting a joint. But as with now there is nothing in the air. I washed my hands, also was even cleaning the table where i prepared the dpt line. The surface where I laid the line is closed away. So there i dont see any way for her taking the drug by accident. I noticed this behaviour also when taking lsd in either liquid form. But i cant imagine floating evaporated lsd oder dusted dpt in the air. So i'm sure this is just a hit of paranoia. So, back again to the empathic contact high theory. When i'm trippin on mushrooms i had an even more powerful sensation. I felt like she and i were thinking in exactly the same ways, like beeing connected by a kind of mental frequency, like beeing perfectly tuned to each other. In difference to tripping on tryptamines. With them the process of tuning in each other is like trying to adjust an old analog radio receiver to an microwave station. Always getting near, but then loosing it and getting stange interferences, stressing the ear and the nerves. Ok. This must sound very odd, but thats my theory based on what i experience in my mind. Other than hat i cant explain the behavioral changes of Schnuffel. I tried an experiment right now. i put some of her favourite cat-snacks on her favourite chillout place. she immedeately woke up and climed the way
up there in a manner linke without of any influences, but a bit tired. Ok. She got definitely nothing of the drug, but my theory of a kind of empathic bond still stands in the room. And as thankful as a cat is now, right after the snack, my favoutite place is captured. Thanks, very nice of you ;-).

Note: Whoever reads this, no, i'm definitely not out of my mind. But most times i'm doing psychedelic experiments i'm doing this alone, intentionally. so there is only one living beeing near me, and thats my cat. i got her since she was 13 weeks old, knowing her since her fourth week of life. so i know almost any of her behaviours, affectations, reactions and displays of emotions.

So i'm automatically analyzing her behaviour while i'm tripping, cause its going around my mind during the experience quite often. Is anyone reading this and has some words to say to my empathic-bond-theory, or the contact-high theory, or even the chemical-accident theory please feel welcome to drop me a line.

back to the triplog

01:31 The DPT is almost gone, but still small waves of influence. Interestingly timely to my cats change-back to normal behaviour. All of the nausea is gone and was instantly replaced with a strong feeling of appetite.

I feel to add some notes. In the time betreen 00:20 and 1:08 something interestingly happened. My mind stretched itself with the music. As i remember this episode, there must have passed hours, but actually this were only 40 minutes. It also happened to me that i heard an very smooth and organic mixup between two tracks on two different albums which i definitely know and love. This were "Entheogenic - Dialogue of the Speakers" and "Hallucinogen - In Dub". I know these two very well and so can tell that the trip put the baseline of the Hallucinogen Track "Angelic Particles" direktly into the Entheogenic-Track "Pagan Dream Machine". Wow, that sounded as intended by the artists. In between i felt the urge to make noises and so i let it go. It felt like my thoat was letting out all the noises it ever wanted to produce and i willingly let this happen. For any outsider this surely must have sounded odd and weird, but i was concious all the time and enjoyed this free flow of emotions.

01:40 Even now, at the end of the trip my time-perception is altered. The sleepyness during the 40 minutes is almost gone, i feel awake, but very chilled. And what the fuck? Why i'm writing in english all the time? Thinking back i'm quite sure that i was thinking in english during the last hours. Strange. Ok, then lets finish this in english. Time for a smoke.

01:46 Influence is lowering succesively to baseline. Slight irritations in perception, mostly at the outer margin of perceptional focus, vanishing when i try to focus to them.


Nice trip, a bit unerving nausea. Next time no chilli all over the day. Maybe its also influenced by the stress i got at work over the last two months. The Trip itself was nice, but still far way from an intense +3. Otherwise i would not have been able to philosophize and write down the raw thoughts for the cat-related stuff. A bit weird was the long time for reaching the plateou. From reading other reports i would have suspected about 20 minutes to reach. I think it lasted this long cause the second line needed its time to hit.This material has potential, next week i'll try again. Following up material is not working out really, so i will start with an higher initial dose, but then with an day of dieting before.

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