Re: Ambient

aah, geilo, da is wieder jmd fleissig gewesen.

el hadra - ornaments
"Frequent collaborators, Tomas Weiss & Mathias Grassow, are back again, this time under El Hadra project name, founded by Tomas. I am immediately confronted with digipak's stunning front cover image, executed by Jesse Harrison, amazing!!! So let's explore the sonics now. "The Veil And The Other Side" unfolds slowly with deep, almost static drones, highly mesmerizing intro that becomes more and more heavy at the end a s it enters into "Plus-Minus", an absolutely exciting massive wall of drones. All is clear now, kings of drones are striking again!!! Fixed drones of the highest caliber, at the end various field recordings enter the stage and move towards the title track, 20 minutes long opus, "Ornaments". Industrial sounds are swirling around my ears, the tension is getting more gradual, these are truly expansive sonic vistas, absolutely fascinating! After 10 minutes the composition transforms from its massive droning movement into more obscure industrialized mode, but the drones hit the stage again at the end of this ecstatic performance. "The Old Spirit" is slightly more minimal and aerial, but still quite dark and deeply immersive, "Presentiment-Union-Eternity" keeps the same path, a really captivating and tranquil sky high voyage in the first half while the second part incorporates few tribal/industrial flavored rhythms, but still strongly hypnotic. "Coincidence Of Oppositions" remains in deeply evocative terrain while closing "The Return Journey" is enriched by some ominous clouds of dark industrial ambience. "Ornaments" are hauntingly beautiful, this is another strong sonic statement from these drone masters. Bravo, I am really impressed!!!" (Richard Gürtler - Bratislava)

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