guardian-artikel über psychedelika

dieser artikel aus der online-ausgabe des guardian mit dem titel Psychedelic drugs return as potential treatments for mental illness klingt recht interessant: ... al-illness

ich komme grade nicht zum lesen, werde das aber beizeiten nachholen. vielleicht kommt mir auch jemand zuvor und kann gleich seinen senf dazu abgeben.

auch die Further reading-links am ende klingen sehr interessant.
„Sapere aude" ---laut der Übersetzung von Immanuel Kant; „Habe Mut, Dich Deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen!“

Re: guardian-artikel über psychedelika

2 ... ic-future/
Lab studies and medical trials form a small but robust body of knowledge that reveal reliable benefits and promising future avenues. The dissociative anaesthetic ketamine has been found to lift mood – even in cases of severe of depression – while psilocybin, present across the world in mushrooms and fungi, has been shown to have anxiety reducing properties.

But while no serious bad reactions have happened during the trials, the full range of potential risks is still not fully understood, meaning the treatments remain firmly in the lab.

The caution is warranted. Psychiatrists are more than aware of hospital admissions triggered by the same drugs taken outside of controlled conditions, and so the compounds will remain as experimental treatments until the risks are fully known.

Nevertheless, the science is now developed enough for new ideas to be generated based solely on a neurobiological understanding of the drugs.
Das hört sich doch mal ziemlich vielversprechend an.
Da muss man wohl hoffen, dass die Forschung auf dem Gebiet ausgedehnt wird :)

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